
Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Lab
Current Students:
Shirin Nezampour (Ph.D. Student)
- "A new approach to nonparametric estimation of multivariate spectral density function using basis expansion", Computational Statistics, Published, (2024)
- Package on GitHub
and Shiny App
Jesse Adikorley (Ph.D. Student)
- "Regularized functional singular spectrum analysis", To be submitted to Applied Mathematics and Computation
- Package on GitHub
and CRAN
Soroush M. Dehkordi (Ph.D. Student) - co-advising with Dr. Schrodi
- "On Bayes Decision Rule for Testing Multiple Hypotheses with Non-symmetric Alternatives", Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, Vol. 15, 55, (2021)
- "GWID: A new Genome-Wide identity-by-descent visualization and analysis tool for disease gene mapping", To be submitted to Bioinformatics
- Package on GitHub
and Shiny App
Mobina Pourmoshir (M.Sc. Student)
- Multivariate functional principal components analysis via penalized rank one approximation
- Package on GitHub
and CRAN
1 / 10 MLAB members
2 / 10 Shirin Nezampour
3 / 10 Jesse Adikorley
4 / 10 Soroush M. Dehkordi
5 / 10 Mobina Pourmoshir
Yue Zhao (Current Job: Postdoctoral Associate @ University of Minnesota School of Public Health) co-advised with Dr. Haghbin
- "Regularized multivariate functional Principal Component Analysis", Under Revision
- Package on GitHub
and CRAN
Jordan Trinka (Current Job: AI Engineer @ Booz Allen Hamilton)
- "Rfssa: An R Package for functional singular spectrum analysis", The R Journal, Accepted, (2024)
- "Functional time series forecasting: Functional singular spectrum analysis approaches", Stat, Vol. 12, e621, (2023)
- "Multivariate functional Singular Spectrum Analysis: A nonparametric approach for analyzing multivariate functional time series", a book chapter in Springer, ISSN: 2524-7735, 187-221, (2022)
- "Functional singular spectrum analysis", Stat (Special Issue in Statistics and Data Science), Vol. 10, e330, (2021)
- Package on GitHub
and CRAN
Anahita Nodehi (Current Job: Research Asso. @ University of Bristol) co-advised with Dr. Golalizadeh
- "Torus probabilistic principal component analysis", Submitted to Journal of Classification
- "Estimation of multivariate wrapped models for data on a p-Torus", Computational Statistics, Vol. 36, 193-215, (2021)
S. Morteza Najibi (Current Job: Data Scientist @ Lund University)
- "Functional singular spectrum analysis", Stat (Special Issue in Statistics and Data Science), Vol. 10, e330, (2021)
- Package on GitHub
and CRAN
- "Protein structure classification and loop modeling using multiple Ramachandran distributions", Computational and Structural Biotechnology, Vol. 15, 243-254 (2017)
- Shiny App

- "Collective estimation of multiple bivariate density functions with application to angular-sampling-based protein loop modeling", Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 111, No. 513, 43-56, (2016)
1 / 10 MLAB Alums
6 / 10 Yue Zhao
7 / 10 Jordan Trinka
8 / 10 Anahita Nodehi
9 / 10 S. Morteza Najibi