Head of Functional Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis Lab
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Marquette University
313 Cudahy Hall,
1313 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Phone: 414-288-5228
E-mail: daniel.rowe{at}marquette.edu
Applications are now being accepted for:
MU Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences PhD/MS Program.
MU Applied Statistics MS Program.
MU Statistical Science BS Program.
Adjunct Professor
Faculty of the Center for Imaging Research
Department of Biophysics
Medical College of Wisconsin
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226-0509
E-mail: dbrowe{at}mcw.edu
Adjunct Professor
School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences
Clemson University
O-110 Martin Hall
Clemson, South Carolina 29634
E-mail: drowe2{at}clemson.edu
Departmental Service: Director of Graduate Studies 2019-2022 & 2011-2013
Recruit and evaluate applicants for admission to CMPS and CMPS-PhD graduate programs. Collect and distribute CMPS-PhD applications to Graduate Committee as Admissions Committee. Schedule an Admissions Committee meeting shortly after Jan 15 priority application deadline. Admissions Committee ranks and makes recommendations for admission. Graduate Chair offers admission to applicants and an offer of an assistantship with it. (Needs to know how many assistantships available.) Coordinate applicant visits. Attend recruiting events. Oversee marketing and advertising of CMPS programs. Respond to email inquiries throughout the year. Recommend modifications to the Department Graduate Program webpages including alumni and current student pages. Coordinate beginning of year student welcome meeting.
Evaluate current and newly admitted students for Teaching Assistantships and recommend candidates for such graduate appointments as Research Assistantships, Fellowships or Tuition Scholarships. (Needs to know how many assistantships available.) Submit any applications with letter of recommendation for University Distinguished Fellowships. Assign TAs to specific courses, supervise, and evaluate their performance each semester. Ensure that TAs have properly formed help desk hours, distribute all helpdesks hours including on MSSC webpage. Evaluate TAs performance each semester in conjunction with their course instructor. Award tuition scholarships for MS programs to attract tuition paying students or for faculty grants that may need them. Determine outstanding TA each year. Coordinate Wehr CSSRFs with the Department Chair. Recruit proposal reviewers. Email students the call with instructions and deadline, collect proposals, distribute proposals to reviewers, gather reviewer rankings, send rankings to Department Chair, notify students of awards. Send department office the Call for proposals as well as winning proposals for Sharepoint archiving.
Advising and Registration
Upon admission and each semester, make recommendations for student courses and offer an advising meeting to discuss the semester courses and larger program course plan. Email students when the new schedule of classes is available. Ensure that students on University Assistantships (not grants or fellowships) are properly registered for nine credits. For each semester coordinate the signing of MSSC 6995 and 8995 forms and email to Josh Burns for processing. For each semester, coordinate the creation and disbursement of permission numbers for courses (i.e. MSSC 6960, 6994, 6975, 6998, 6999, 8999, 9970, 9974-9999.) Ensure PhD students only count 9 credits of MSSC 8995 in 45 required credits. In accordance with Graduate School policies, advise and counsel graduate students. In mid to late fall of student’s first year, advise students to make a short list of five potential dissertation advisors. In early spring of first year advise students to narrow down the short list to one or two to leisurely read with over summer. In mid-summer of first year advise students to register for MSSC 8995 independent study with summer reading faculty member. In mid fall of student’s second year advise students to plan on writing a CSSRF proposal and a master’s thesis or essay. After each semester coordinate student RWAR appeals from the graduate school. Review and approve International student requests for CPT and OPT. Oversee students filing for graduation, PhD public defense form, defense paperwork, and conduct graduation audits. Write letters of recommendation for students.
Each semester evaluates the performance of CMPS-PhD students. Ensures students are meeting their milestones of 1) completing core courses within two years full-time or three years part-time, (2) sitting for the written comprehensive exam before their third year, (3) submitting doctoral committee within one semester of passing the comprehensive exam, (4) submission of doctoral program planning form within one month of approval of the doctoral committee, (5) sit for the doctoral qualifier (dissertation proposal) within one year of passing the comprehensive exam. Formally approve of dissertation committees. Sign and submit DPPF and Dissertation Outlines to the Graduate School. Submit DQE results to the graduate school. Maintain a list of students achieved milestones. After each milestone completed, send each student a congratulatory email with the next milestone and instructions on how it can be satisfied. Oversee very senior CMPS-PhD students beyond year 5 and up to the maximum time limit of 8 years. Approve or disapprove of applications for extended time beyond 8 years in consultation with the graduate committee. Annually revise and distribute the Graduate Student Handbook.
Comprehensive Exam
Email students in Spring semester of the date to register for the exam and the date that the exam will be held. (Usually the Monday before the Fall semester.) Supervise the construction, administration and evaluation of doctoral comprehensive examinations. Assemble the Comprehensive Exam Committee consisting of faculty that were instructors of the core courses for the registered students. Oversees Comprehensive Exam Committee faculty writing of the questions for the exam. Reserve room(s) for the exam and ordering of provided lunch. Print and proctor exam. Copy/scan exams and distribute to the exam committee for grading. Coordinate Comprehensive Exam Committee meeting and formulation of results. (Usually Monday of the first week of classes). Arrange a Graduate Committee meeting to certify the exam results. Certification consists of reviewing the exam for reasonableness and that the process was fair and equitable. Notify the Department Chair to hold an EC meeting to additionally certify the results. (Meeting usually Friday of first week of classes.) Notify the students of pass or fail results by Monday the second week of classes before the fall course change deadline. Counsel any students that did not pass the exam. Email the department the registration call and exam for archiving.
Collect data throughout the year for assessment in accordance with the CMPS-PhD and CMPS-MS programs plans. Ensure that the Learning Outcomes are listed on each graduate program webpage. Submit annual CMPS-PhD and CMPS-MS assessment reports. Attend annual and other assessment meetings. Review each graduate program annually; keep informed of changes in emphases and curriculum trends in graduate mathematical and Statistical Sciences and promote, initiate and develop such new programs as are feasible to meet Departmental, University and community needs.
Serve as a liaison with graduate programs in other Departments and colleges. Attend two per semester DGS meetings. Submit forecasted credit enrollments to the graduate school upon request. Make recommendations to the Executive Committee on all graduate curriculum matters, including course offerings, schedules and teaching assignments. Submit bulletin modifications including programmatic and courses in consultation with the graduate committee. Submit MSSC annual CMPS Director’s report.
Departmental Service: Director/coDirector of MS in Applied Statistics 2010-2015
Advertise program, attend recruiting events, respond to potential applicant emails, meet with perspective students, admission of new students, first semester registration, initial program of study, program changes for 5 year BS/MS accelerated degree program.
Advising of admitted students, assist students with summer internships, graduation audits, assist students with employment placement, APST-MS program assessment, APST-MS program changes.
Departmental Service: coDirector of MS in Bioinformatics 2019-2022
Advertise program, attend recruiting events, respond to potential applicant emails, meet with perspective students, admission of new students, first semester registration, initial program of study, program changes for 5 year BS/MS accelerated degree program.
Advising of admitted students, assist students with summer internships, graduation audits, assist students with employment placement, BIIN-MS program assessment, BIIN-MS program changes.
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