
Chase Sakitis, MS
Doctoral Candidate in Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Researcher in Functional Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis Lab
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
410 Cudahy Hall
Marquette University Milwaukee, WI 53233
E-mail: chase.sakitis{at}marquette.edu |

- 2021 - Present Ph.D. in Computational Sciences, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
- 2020 - 2020 M.S. Applied Statistics, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
- 2014 - 2018 B.A. Mathematics, Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA
- 08/2020 - Present Marquette University, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. Milwaukee, WI
- Student Success Coordinator - Modern Elementary Statistics (08/2023 - present)
- • Prep and instruct weekly review sessions
- • Create practice and homework problems for large lecture introductory statistics courses
- • Assess all students progress and provide guidance for success in the course
- Summer Research Assistantship (05/2023 - 08/2023)
- • Testing performance of BGRAPPA in fMRI with a simulation study
- Graduate Teaching Assistant (08/2022 - 05/2023)
- • MATH 1700 - Modern Elementary Statistics
- • MATH 1700H - Honors Modern Elementary Statistics
- Computational Sciences Summer Research Fellowship (05/2022 - 08/2022)
- • Applied BSENSE to real-world fMRI experimental data with comparisons to SENSE.
- • Developed a Bayesian approach to GRAPPA image reconstruction - BGRAPPA.
- Graduate Research Assistant (08/2021 - 05/2022)
- • Applied BSENSE to an fMRI simulation study, performing extensive statistical analysis on reconstructed images and task detection.
- • Analyzed real-world fMRI experimental data to understand and prepare for the application of BSENSE image reconstruction.
- Computational Sciences Summer Research Fellowship (05/2021 - 08/2021)
- • Developed a Bayesian approach to SENSE image reconstruction - BSENSE.
- Graduate Teaching Assistant (08/2020 - 05/2021)
- • MATH 4720 - Statistical Methods
Sakitis CJ, Rowe DB: A Bayesian Approach to GRAPPA Parallel FMRI Image Reconstruction Increases SNR and Power of Task Detection (Status: Submitted to Annals of Applied Statistics).
Sakitis CJ, Brown AD, Rowe DB: A Bayesian Approach to SENSE Parallel Image Reconstruction Produces Increased Accuracy in Detection of Task Activation (Status: Submitted to Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C).
Sakitis CJ, Rowe DB: Formal Bayesian Approach to GRAPPA Image Reconstruction. Proc. Joint Stat. Meet., Section on Imaging, Toronto Ontario, Canada, 2023. (Forthcoming)
Sakitis CJ, Rowe DB, Brown DA: A Full Bayesian Approach to SENSE Image Reconstruction Increases Brain Tissue Contrast and Reduces Noise for More Accurate Statistical Analysis. Proc. Joint Stat. Meet., Section on Imaging, 26:1380-1398, Washington DC, 2022.
Sakitis CJ, Rowe DB, Brown DA: A Formal Bayesian Approach to SENSE Image Reconstruction. Proc. Joint Stat. Meet., Section on Imaging, 25:1332-1358, Virtual, 2021.
Posters and Talks
• "A Full Bayesian Approach to GRAPPA Reduces Noise in fMRI Image Reconstruction." American Statistcial Association Statistical Methods in Imaging, Minneapolis MN, May 2023.
• "Formal Bayesian Technique to Measure Unobserved fMRI Data for Quicker Brain Imaging." Marquette University Gradaute School, Graduate Student Week, February 2023.
• "A Formal Bayesian Approach to SENSE Image Reconstruction Leads to More Statistically Significant Task Activation in fMRI." International Society for Bayesian Analysis Section in Objective Bayes, Santa Cruz CA, September 2022.
• "A Full Bayesian Approach to SENSE Image Reconstruction Increases Brain Tissue Contrast and Reduces Noise Leading to More Statistically Significant Task Activation." American Statistcial Association Statistical Methods in Imaging, Nashville TN, May 2022.
• "Bayesian Complex Valued Latent Regression." Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Marquette University, Guest Lecturer, December 2023.
• "Formal Bayesian Technique to Measure Unobserved FMRI Data for Quicker Brain Imaging." Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Marquette University, Forward Thinking Symposium, November 2022.
• "Increasing the Accuracy of Statistical Analysis and Task Activation with a Full Bayesian Approach to SENSE Image Reconstruction." Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Marquette University, Department Colloquium, September 2022.
• "Bayesian Complex Valued Latent Regression." Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Marquette University, Guest Lecturer, November 2021.
• "A Formal Bayesian Approach to SENSE Image Reconstruction." Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Marquette University, Department Colloquium, October 2021.
• "A Formal Bayesian Approach to SENSE Image Reconstruction." Joint Stat. Meet., Section on Imaging, Virtual, August 2021.
Honors and Awards
• S.J. Merrill Award: Best Teaching Assistant, Klinger College of Arts & Sciences, Marquette University, 2021.
• Travel Award: Marquette University, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
American Statistical Association Joint Statistical Meeting 2023
• Travel Award: Marquette University, Graduate School
American Statistical Association Joint Statistical Meeting 2023
• Travel Award: Marquette University, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
American Statistical Association Statistical Methods in Imaging 2023
• Travel Support: ISBA and University of California Santa Cruz
O'Bayes 2022: Objective Bayes Methodology Conference
• Travel Award: Marquette University, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
O'Bayes 2022: Objective Bayes Methodology Conference
• Travel Award: Marquette University, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
American Statistical Association Statistical Methods in Imaging 2022
• Travel Award: Marquette University, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
American Statistical Association Joint Statistical Meeting 2021
American Statistical Association
International Society for Bayesian Analysis
Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Kappa Mu Epsilon Mathematical Honor Society